Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hurricane Ike and Financial Hurricane Ike

When Ike hit Galveston it seemed a blessing that the wind speed had dropped enough to lessen the height of the surge that accompanied it. Despite its massive devastation and the crippling effect it had on the area, it could have been much worse.

But the following Monday, a disaster of another sort befell our country -- the financial crisis that started off with the failing and bailing of Bear-Stearns added to it the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Not long after that Merrill Lynch was sold to keep it from bankruptcy, and AIG had to be shored up and then bought out by Barclays. A crisis of biblical proportions is upon us, so much so that the news that WaMu had been seized by the Feds in the largest bank failure of US history was just a footnote to the scenario.

And Washington hopes to shore up the economy with a monstrous bailout/buyout of the failed real estate paper. The institutions that initiated the crisis and contributed to it are being preserved, while the common citizens are being thrown to the wolves. To make matters much worse, all of this has been dumped on the public by the government and the press in such a way as to pressure us into believing that any 'solution' coming out of DC is going to be anything other than yet another band-aid to a global meltdown.

Who is looking out for us? Not the govt. Not the press. Not Wall Street. Had we been given all the information and told to look for a solution I can guarantee that the common people of this country would have come together and found a solution that would work. It is they who have the common sense, not the so-called 'economic experts' in DC and New York.

This is the truth of this country -- it is built on greed. The system preserves the greediest.

Our country is under indictment by the God it pretends to honor. Our hypocrisy is defined for everyone to see. Why should anyone have sympathy for us? Why should anyone care?